Craving for Japanese food during the Circuit Breaker? Savor delicious Japanese cusine from Kei Kaisendon with their Kei Signature Kaisen Bowl , Unagi Kaisen Bowl and many others.
Make your order through Deliveroo, Foodpanda , Grabfood and take.sg/s/6583991003 . Take.sg is a platform where customer can filled up theirs order in the website and the orders are sent via WhatsApp directly to merchant.
想想看,已经有1个多月不能去日本餐馆用餐了,所以这次能吃到 Kei Kaisendon 的海鲜生鱼块饭和烤鳗鱼饭,真的感到十分满足?
? 现在可以通过 Deliveroo , Foodpanda ,Grabfood 或 take.sg/s/6583991003 订购。Take.sg 让客户在网站上填写订单的平台,并将通过WhatsApp直接发送给商家。